As for the crown measures, the “ Osaka model ” is far superior to Tokyo than the government-Hyundai business


  1. The Crown measures are modern businesses where the “Osaka model” is far superior to Tokyo than the government
  2. 11 new infections in Osaka, “3 indicators” cleared for 3 consecutive days livedoor
  3. New Crown: Osaka self-control cancellation standard, achieved on day 3 New infection 11 days Nihon Keizai Shimbun
  4. Osaka’s Achievement Leaves Cancellation Standard for Three Consecutive Days | NHK Kansai News
  5. The “Osaka model” has approved the standard for three consecutive days. In Osaka prefecture, more than 1,000 people have already left the hospital or canceled medical treatment (ABC TV) Yahoo!
  6. See all articles in Google News