A teenage girl is infected with the new crown, a contact person of the student Tokudai[anunciado el 21]- Tokushima Shimbun


  1. Teenage woman infected with new crown, Tokudai student contact[anunciado el 21]Tokushima Shimbun
  2. [BoletíndeInfecciónCoronadeTokio19]Primary and secondary school students in Ota district, Nerima district, Arakawa district, Tokyo metropolitan government, Shinjuku Assembly Secretariat staff, etc. Tokyo Shimbun
  3. A man in his twenties is friends with an infected student[Reuniónalas5:45pmdeldía19]Tokushima Shimbun
  4. A total of 162 students from Tokushima University were infected.[Reunión a las 5:45 pm del día 20]Tokushima Shimbun
  5. A man in his twenties is infected with the new crown, a close contact of Tokudai students[anunciadoel19]Tokushima Shimbun
  6. See all articles in Google News