A man is stabbed at “Tenshiba” in Osaka. Nearby people arrested a 49-year-old suspect.


  1. A man was isolated at “Tenshiba” in Osaka. Nearby people arrested a 49-year-old suspect. -Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun
  2. A young man cuts or makes noise in the park auone.jp
  3. Man stabbed in “Tenshiba” in Osaka 49-year-old close people arrested livedoor suspect
  4. A man is stabbed in Tennoji Park. Close people take control of the suspect. Temporary upheaval MSN Entertainment
  5. [Distrito Tennoji, ciudad de Osaka]On October 18, 2020, an injury incident occurred at Tennoji Park and the offender was arrested for the current crime. Extra NET Tennoji / Abeno
  6. See all articles in Google News