2020/12/28 16:34 Weather news
The end of the year will see heavy snowfall, stormy weather and severe cold, and the effects are expected to continue until the beginning of the year.
The cold air peak is from Thursday the 31st of New Years Eve to Friday the 1st of the first day, and the temperature is expected to be around -12 ° C around 1500m above western Japan, which it is a level that may or may not occur once in winter.
There are many places where it snows on the Sea of Japan side and the East China Sea side of western Japan, and snow is expected on the Setouchi and Pacific sides, such as Hiroshima and Kagoshima.
Even in places where it doesn’t usually snow a lot, there is a risk of snow accumulation in some places, so be sure to prepare in advance, like preparing winter tires tomorrow.
In western Japan, wet snow can cause power outages.
When JPCZ (Sea of Japan Cold Zone Air Group Convergence Zone) is formed where different winds collide, snow clouds can continue to flow to the same place one after another, and heavy snow can be concentrated in a narrow area. .
It will be more than 1m in 24 hours along the mountain and more than 50cm in the plains, and the wind will be stronger, so you need to be careful about storms and snowstorms.
Heavy snow and blizzards can have a major impact on transportation, such as railways, highways, and aviation, and there are concerns about the impact on logistics.
Consider not only measures against snow, but also carrying and storing food.