Aichi Prefecture Weather changes in a short cycle on weekends Chance of heavy snowfall from the end of the year to the beginning of the year (Nichijo Forecaster December 25, 2020) – Japan Meteorological Association


Aichi Prefecture Weather changes in short cycles on weekends Chance of heavy snow from end of year to beginning of year

Aichi Prefecture Weather changes in short cycles on weekends Chance of heavy snow from end of year to beginning of year

The weather is expected to change in short cycles this weekend.
There will be places where it will rain and snow until the night of Friday the 25th.
Time will often pick up tomorrow Saturday 26,
The weather is expected to be downhill on Sunday the 27th.
From the end of the year to the beginning of the year, extremely strong cold air can enter and cause heavy snowfall.
Please note future information.

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Yuta okuhira

Chubu Branch of the Japan Meteorological AssociationWeather forecaster

Yuta okuhira

I will tell you the weather in the Tokai region with courage. My favorite word is a hot day. One special skill is that no matter what the Japanese syllabary is said, it can be returned with “I often hear it in the weather forecast. Self-proclaimed forecaster of the rainy season.

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