“No problem” changed from Aichi’s bullish apology interview, Nishio city council and others’ remorse | TBS NEWS


“No problem” Passed the bullish apology interview Aichi, Nishio city council and other regret

Councilors in the city of Nishio in Aichi prefecture were holding a banquet with 14 people while calling them to refrain from dining with 5 or more people. Until now, I had insisted that there was no problem, but I turned around and held a meeting on the 22nd and expressed my regret.

“I’m not doing anything wrong … (Q. Do you think you can get the understanding of the citizens?) Apart from the understanding of the citizens …” You can drink because you are a member of the Diet. “It is not there” (City Council from Nishio “Citizens Club” Toshiaki Kobayashi Town Hall 18 night)

Toshiaki Kobayashi from Nishio City, Aichi Prefecture, told JNN on the 18th of this month at his home after the banquet.

However, on the 22nd …
“I sincerely apologize to the citizens of Nishio for taking careless actions at the mercy of my injustice. I am so sorry.” (Nishio Town Hall “Citizens Club” Toshiaki Kobayashi Town Hall)

I met and apologized. The problem is that 14 councilors belonging to the largest “city club” of Nishio city council affiliated with the Liberal Party, chaired by the Kobayashi city council, held a “banquet” for an hour and a half while drinking alcohol. The place is a kitchen inn in the city run by the general secretary of the civic club. The set is placed in a U-shape in the 60 tatami banquet hall, and the spacing between sets is approximately 50cm to 1 meter. Also present were three companions with masks because they drank sake like shochu with a space of 4 to 5 meters between them.

We had a banquet at the time and was there a problem with infection control?
“If you stay close to the table and drink, they are facing each other, but (the seats) are far apart, and it is a large room. Other than that, about 10 people are going to have lunch.” I just had a banquet. “” What are you saying !? “(Nishio Town Hall” Citizens Club “Toshiaki Kobayashi Town Hall 18 night)

This banquet was the “launch” of the December parliament, which closed that day. On the same day that the government asked to refrain from dining for five or more people, a request was made to shorten the business hours of restaurants serving alcoholic beverages throughout Aichi Prefecture, including Nishio City. When the citizens and Governor Hideaki Omura of Aichi prefecture show a severe reaction …
“(Q. Did you acknowledge that there was no problem in the night of the day?) It is not a question of how many meters you should be away, but you reflect on what you did.” (Nishio Town Hall “Citizens Club” Toshiaki Kobayashi Town Hall)
“The side is sweet. I wasn’t aware of it. Sorry.” (Nishio City Council “Citizens Club” Shinichi Ishikawa City Council)

President Kobayashi and Secretary General Ishikawa have indicated their intention to resign.

On the other hand, Mayor Ken Nakamura of the city of Nishio, who left the party only for the opening greeting, was on the 22nd.
“I am deeply sorry. I am truly sorry about the problem. I couldn’t say firmly from the position I was invited to.” (Mayor Ken Nakamura, City of Nishio)

So far, the city of Nishio has received around 250 calls from citizens, most of which are harsh opinions on legislators and the mayor.
