Macy’s sparsely populated, Lulu-Black Friday-Bloomberg lemon procession


Shoppers are in short supply and some retail watchers have a Black Friday as the specific views of past holidays disappear.I started calling him Blaze Friday. And that was before the new corona virus had an impact.

Black friday walmart

Shopping cart disinfection work. At the New Jersey Walmart store (November 27)

The number of customers reported to be slow in 2019 is expected to decline further this year. Consumers who are wary of going to the mall buy the highlights online rather than the super deals that are on sale in stores at midnight on Black Friday. But don’t be fooled by the switch to online shopping. It is expected to be a record season for the year-end sales season.The same is expected for distribution companies.

Since the new Corona became popular, shopping for stretched-waisted pants and mood-enhancing products has been strong. In Scottsdale Fashion Square, Arizona, a line was formed on the 27th in front of Lulu Lemon Athletica, which sells yoga clothes, and Bath and Body Works, a brand of body care products. Bath and Body Works hand sanitizers, candles and soaps have become popular as the new Corona expands.

Some stores have adopted an unusual strategy to guarantee social distance on Black Friday. Chico’s, an American clothing store, uses video calls.

Chico’s employees are virtually communicating with customers to show them new shoes and jackets. The company’s CEO, Morley Langensteen, said. In some cases, it generated sales of $ 2,000 (about 210,000 yen).

Shoppers in physical stores in the United States are scarcer than usual. A small US-bound store in Chicago’s Logan Square area was quiet around 9 a.m. M. The store, which opened at 7:00 a.m., limited the number of people who could enter the store to 50.

The Macy’s store in Herald Square, New York, the largest department store in the United States, appears to be an ordinary day rather than the busiest shopping event of the year. In the average year, you can see a multitude of buyers entering one after another from the front door, but this year the number of customers is small.

Macys Black Friday GETTY sub

Buyers with masks. At the Macy’s store in New York. On Black Friday, November 27

Online shopping on Thanksgiving Day in the United States fell short of expectations by nearly $ 1 billion. It was suggested that consumers were starting to shop without waiting this week, and that efforts by retailers to diversify gift shopping were successful.

Online purchases totaling $ 5.1 billion on the 26th, according to Adobe Analytics. It was a record on Thanksgiving, an increase of 21.5% over the same day the previous year. However, it was well below the company’s forecast of $ 6 billion.

Original title:Lululemon is a hottie while the yoga pants stay warm: Black Friday update (抜 粋)
