Y-Mobile, new 20GB / 4480 yen plan offered at the end of December, the transfer fee of MNP was eliminated –ITmedia


  1. Y-Mobile, new 20GB / 4480 yen plan provided at the end of December, MNP ITmedia transfer fee removed
  2. KDDI Announces New Softbank Mobile Phone Pricing Plan (Oct 28, 2020) ANNnewsCH
  3. KDDI today announces a new 20GB plan for 3,980 yen per month (TV Asahi (ANN)) Yahoo! News
  4. UQ mobile, new plan of 3980 yen with 20GB per month from ITmedia to be offered after February 2009
  5. “UQ Mobile” 20GB Monthly rate 4000 yen or less During this year? Asahi TV
  6. See all articles in Google News