Decline in Birth Rate, Teeth Stop, “Number of Children”, latest update (5/20/04) -ANNnewsCH


  1. Decline in Birth Rate and Tooth Detention … “Number of Children,” the smallest update ever seen (05/20/04) ANNnewsCH
  2. The child population decreased by 200,000, declining for 39 consecutive years (Yomiuri Shimbun Online) Yahoo! News
  3. The number of children decreased for 39 consecutive years, the lowest in history 1.52 million people Nihon Keizai Shimbun
  4. Children’s population, the 39th consecutive decrease = 151.20 million minimum update-Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
  5. The number of children is the lowest in 39 consecutive years of decline (Fuji Television (FNN)) News from Yahoo!
  6. See all articles in Google News