Mr. Pence’s aides are infected with corona … 4 or more people are infected, “ask” to continue election activities –Yomiuri Shimbun


  1. Mr. Pence’s aides are infected with corona … 4 or more people are infected, “ask” to continue election activities Yomiuri Shimbun
  2. Infected with the new Crown, the closest assistant to the vice president of the United States, Nihon Keizai Shimbun
  3. Senior Advisor to US Vice President Pence positive in new corona test
  4. [New Corona]Newly infected person is the worst in America, Mr. Pence’s assistant is also positive Bloomberg
  5. Vice President Pence’s Aides Are Infected His Presidential Election Tour Continues (ABEMA TIMES) Yahoo! News
  6. See all articles in Google News