The case where a Kumamoto University researcher was killed The arrested man “was struck for a lie” –livedoor


  1. The case in which a Kumamoto University researcher was killed The arrested man “was hit for a lie” livedoor
  2. Accused a man who “lied and strangled” (Kumamoto Prefecture) (KKT Kumamoto Prefecture Television) Yahoo! News
  3. “The lie is disputed” Kumamoto Nihon Shimbun kiji is accused of murdering the Kumadai investigator
  4. They sued a man who “lied and strangled.” Kumamoto University Researcher Killed MSN Entertainment
  5. Kumamoto University investigator murder 67 years old Unemployed accused of murder, etc. “Lie and quarrel” –Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun
  6. See all articles in Google News