Transmission of 14 episodes of the anime “Devil’s Blade” from the 23rd Seki Tele-Kobe Shimbun


  1. Broadcast of 14 episodes of the unpublished anime “Demon’s Blade” from the 23rd Seki Tele Kobe Shimbun
  2. Background to the non-standard success of the movie “Devil’s Blade” What is the “priceless” value created? (Umezu Fumi) – Yahoo! Yahoo! News News
  3. “Blade of Devil” Cantere becomes regular on Friday at 7 o’clock “Emi-channeru” frame until July
  4. “Devil’s Blade” Mamezara Image of main characters like Sumijiro and Sadako Saga Shimbun
  5. The regular terrestrial broadcast of the G band in the anime “Demon’s Blade” Cantere was hastily organized at the request of the viewer (Oricon) – Yahoo! Yahoo! News
  6. See all articles in Google News