Ebitsu Ichikawa snaps a snapshot of Mr. Gengen-kun’s serious shot “ I’m worthy ” “ I’m becoming a man ” – sports notification


  1. Eizo Ichikawa’s shot of Mr. Gengen’s serious voice saying “worthy” “becoming a man”
  2. Ebisu Ichikawa, Rei-chan’s colorful handmade bento is delighted “Wow, I’m glad. Thank you” (Sports News) Yahoo! News
  3. Eizo Ichikawa reveals the voice of his son who calls the name of the character from “Devil’s Blade”, “acting voice”, “actor voice”, Daily Amoeba News.
  4. Ebisu Ichikawa, Rei-chan’s colorful handmade bento is inspiring “Wow, I’m happy. Thank you” auone.jp
  5. Ebisu “5.3 show” Julio a todos “on Danjuro White Monkey’s birthday (Sankei Sports) Yahoo! News
  6. See all articles in Google News