Lem desiville, minister of “ demand for supply of EE. USA ” Nishimura mentions Abigan-Sankei News approval


  1. Rem Desibiru “Supply request from the American side” Nishimura, the minister also mentions the approval of Avegan Sankei News
  2. The full list of the crown’s new “strongest remedy” “Lemdesibir” is urgently approved by the United States
  3. New crown: lemdecivir, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare approves within the week of Japan’s first Nihon Keizai Shimbun with corona treatment
  4. Hankei: The antiviral drug “lemdecivir” approved by the United States FDA, Korea and Japan are also considering special imports.
  5. Start using in the US medical field. USA = New corona drug “lemdecivir” auone.jp
  6. See all articles in Google News