Niigata cancels contract with two players who submit documents while driving under the influence of alcohol. President to reduce salary by 100% until the end of the year –SOCCER KING


  1. Niigata cancels contract with two players who submit documents while driving under the influence SOCCER KING, the president will reduce the salary by 100% until the end of the year
  2. J2 Niigata Fabio and Pedro Manji cancel contract President Korenaga has a salary reduction (Sponichi Annex) Sports Navi
  3. [Últimas noticias]Cancellation of contracts for 2 players, including Fabio Niigata Daily
  4. J2 Albilex Niigata cancels contract with two foreign players who send documents for violation of the Football Channel Road Traffic Law
  5. Niigata Cancels Contract With Two Players Who Submit Documents While Drunk Driving … Elimination of President Korenaga and GM Tamano | Gexaka Gexaka
  6. See all articles in Google News