The west and east of Japan will rain tomorrow Tokyo will have a day when you will not be able to put down your umbrella.


  1. The west and east of Japan will rain tomorrow Tokyo will be a day when you will not be able to put down your umbrella Weather News
  2. Rain clouds pass every few days a week Tomorrow Saturday cold rain in Kinki, Tokai, Kanto (Daily Forecast October 16, 2020) – Japan Meteorological Association
  3. Kanto morning cold rain Asahi is a winter coat on Saturday? ( Yahoo! News
  4. Tomorrow’s Downhill 17 (Saturday) weather will be very rainy.
  5. The number of winter days in northern Japan, which gets colder with each week of rain, increases dramatically (October 15, 2020) – Japan Meteorological Association
  6. See all articles in Google News