Nadal France V13, GS plus Thailand 20 wins Federer also praises “greatest feat” –AFPBB News


  1. Nadal French V13, GS plus 20 victories in Thailand Federer also praises “greatest achievement” AFPBB News
  2. Nadal 4 consecutive victories! 20th win of 4 major tournaments / Final details of the French OP – Sports Nikkan Sports
  3. Nadal wins the twentieth victory of the four major tournaments alongside Federer in the ultimate battle with Jokovic [テニス](ONLINE Tennis Magazine) Yahoo!
  4. Nadal 4th consecutive All-French tennis championship, 20th time in line with most of the top four tournaments
  5. Nadal 4 20th V Main Tournament “Because Everyone Supports” Nikkan Sports
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