Fukunaga wins the fifth JRA in history with 2,300 victories in history, a victory at Simon Legrand in Tokyo 2R (sports news) -Yahoo! -Yahoo! News


  1. Fukunaga wins the fifth JRA in history with 2,300 victories in history, winning a victory at Simon Legrand in Tokyo 2R (sports news) -Yahoo! Yahoo! News
  2. Fukunaga wins the JRA with 2300 victories, the fifth person in history to achieve in Tokyo 2R Simon Legrand auone.jp
  3. Fukunaga Achieves Fifth JRA Victory In History – Fifth Person In History And Wins At Simon Le Grand In Tokyo 2R (May 3, 2020) | BIGLOBE News BIGLOBE News
  4. Fukunaga achieves 2,300 wins for the 5th JRA in history and wins at Simon Legrand in Tokyo 2R SPORTS BULL
  5. Fukunaga wins the 5th JRA in history with 2300 victories in history, and wins at Simon Le Grand in Tokyo 2R (May 3, 2020) -Excite News Excite News
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