Cancellation of Taketoyo Riding Triumphal Arch Award, etc. – Yahoo! News


  1. Cancellation of Taketoyo Riding Triumphal Arch Award, etc. Yahoo! News
  2. [Premio Triumphal Arch]A. O’Brien’s stables also detect banned drugs in used feed and await inspections like Japan where the Taketoyo rider is scheduled to ride on
  3. Drug banned from O’Brien stables Four triumphant awards await urine sample results Sponichi Annex
  4. [Triumphal Arch Award]Four A O’Brien stables canceled their race due to positive prohibited drugs … Taketoyo was unable to participate in the war
  5. The stable diet of A. O’Brien is a prohibited drug. Japan and other triumphant awards also affect racing horses
  6. See all articles in Google News