Rikako Ikee advances to the final of Incare! Lap 2nd race 50 m in free form 25 seconds 87 – Sponichi annex


  1. Rikako Ikee advances to the final of Incare! 2nd lap 50 meters in free form 25 seconds 87 Sponichi Annex
  2. Rikako Ikee advances to the final of Incare, a year after his promise to fight the disease Nikkan Sports
  3. Rikako Ikee advances to the Incare finals, surely his participation in the Japan championship is scheduled for early December –Livedoor News livedoor
  4. Rikako Ikee advances to the final in 25.87 6th place in the women’s 50-meter free form. Japan Student Championship auone.jp
  5. Rikako Ikee 2nd round back, 4th place in Incare women’s 50m freestyle final 4/100 seconds ahead of Sponichi Annex podium
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