Is it possible to create a “sub-brand” if NTT Com transfers the president of Docomo? –ITmedia


  1. Is it possible to create a “sub-brand” if NTT Com transfers the president of Docomo? ITmedia
  2. “Make Docomo a wholly owned subsidiary” Why? Ask i-mode key players (September 29, 2020) ANNnewsCH
  3. Rewinding the “20 Lost Years” ── What NTT intends to make Docomo a wholly owned subsidiary (ITmedia NEWS) Yahoo! News
  4. NTT Docomo pays attention to foreign investors to accelerate removal from “parent-child list” Sankei News
  5. Market volatility reflected in NTT share sales Questioning global strategy Nihon Keizai Shimbun
  6. See all articles in Google News