NTT TOB (Tender Offer) for Docomo! Investment decision of NTT shares and whereabouts of docomo shares –Tosil


  1. NTT TOB (Tender Offer) for Docomo! Investment decision for NTT shares and whereabouts of Docomo Toushiru shares
  2. “Make Docomo a wholly owned subsidiary” Why? Ask i-mode key players (September 29, 2020) ANNnewsCH
  3. Rewinding the “20 Lost Years” ── What NTT intends to make Docomo a wholly owned subsidiary (ITmedia NEWS) Yahoo! News
  4. Background to making NTT a wholly owned subsidiary of Docomo[noticias23]TBS NEWS
  5. NTT makes docomo a wholly owned subsidiary Interview with market participants Nihon Keizai Shimbun
  6. See all articles in Google News