NTT officially announces that it will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Docomo TOB for 4.2 trillion yen –Nippon Keizai Shimbun


  1. NTT Officially Announces Making Docomo a Wholly Owned Subsidiary TOB Nihon Keizai Shimbun for 4.2 Trillion Yen
  2. Joint meeting between NTT and NTT Docomo (September 29, 2020) THE PAGE
  3. NTT plans to make Docomo a wholly owned subsidiary Acquires all shares (September 29, 2020) ANNnewsCH
  4. NTT makes docomo a 4 trillion yen wholly owned subsidiary TOB Study Group promotes 5G and IoT (Mainichi Shimbun) Yahoo! News
  5. Considering the purchase of NTT 4 trillion yen shares to make Docomo a wholly owned subsidiary FNN Prime Online
  6. See all articles in Google News