Docomo to make NTT a wholly owned subsidiary Will it be decided by the board on September 29? –ITmedia


  1. Docomo to make NTT a wholly owned subsidiary Decided by the board of directors on September 29, ITmedia
  2. NTT makes Docomo a wholly owned subsidiary TBS NEWS
  3. NTT to make docomo a wholly owned subsidiary on TOB 29 for more than 4 trillion yen Nihon Keizai Shimbun
  4. NTT to make Docomo a wholly owned subsidiary, TOB implementation of over 4 trillion yen
  5. NTT makes Docomo a 4 trillion yen wholly owned subsidiary TOB study group promotes 5G and IoT –Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun
  6. See all articles in Google News