What Yuko Takeuchi, Haruma Miura and Hoshi Ashina have in common and what the entertainment office lacked: Weekly Women PRIME [シュージョプライム]


  1. What Yuko Takeuchi, Haruma Miura and Hoshi Ashina have in common and what the Weekly Women PRIME entertainment bureau lacked [シュージョプライム]
  2. Yuko Takeuchi talks about her tragic determination at the time of her debut. Lead Actress Seat (Sponichi Annex) Trapped in Tricky Family Environment Spring Yahoo! News
  3. Yuko Takeuchi is unconscious in the Chunichi Sports / Tokyo Chunichi Sports closet discovered by her husband around 2:00 a.m.
  4. Shoko Yesa “Beautiful and Rin” Yuko Takeuchi in mourning for Nikkan Sports
  5. Yuko Takeuchi, who died suddenly “I went shopping two weeks ago and I looked fine …” Suicide syndrome is spreading in the entertainment world (point AERA) Yahoo! News
  6. See all articles in Google News