Takamatsu 2 children died 26-year-old mother who stayed in the car for 3 consecutive nights and was suspected of drinking or normalizing ――Mainichi Shimbun ――Mainichi Shimbun


  1. Takamatsu 2 children died 26-year-old mother who stayed in the car for 3 consecutive nights and suspected of drinking or normalizing –Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun
  2. [Original]Origami “mother’s favorite” … Takamatsu’s dead sister, mother left for 3 consecutive nights, drinking or drinking auone.jp
  3. Two dead girls in the city of Takamatsu “Hiding in the shade so that the child cannot be seen” livedoor
  4. “Children in the car hid in the shade” Asahi Shimbun Digital accused the mother of abandoned sisters
  5. Takamatsu 2 dead children killed 26-year-old mother accused of neglect of protection officer Ground inspection (Mainichi Shimbun) Yahoo! News
  6. See all articles in Google News