59 new infections in Tokyo, less than 60 since June 30-Yomiuri Shimbun


  1. 59 new infections in Tokyo, less than 60 since June 30 Yomiuri Shimbun
  2. 59 new confirmed cases in Tokyo, less than 100 for 3 consecutive days (ABEMA TIMES) Yahoo! News
  3. New Corona Confirmed infection of 3 people in Miyagi Hebei Shinposha Co., Ltd.
  4. 59 new cases confirmed on Tokyo FNN Prime Online for the first time in 85 days for 60 or less
  5. Okinawa, 6 new 1-digit corona infections for 2 consecutive days Today’s alert level review[23 de septiembre por la mañana](Ryukyu Shinpo) Yahoo! News
  6. See all articles in Google News