Eighth infected person in Tsubame city A man in his thirties who is in close contact with a woman in his thirties in Tsubame city –Ken-O.com


  1. Eighth person infected in Tsubame City Men in their 30s who are close contacts with women in their 30s in Tsubame City Keno.com
  2. [Últimas noticias]A total of 2 people confirmed to be infected in Tsubame City and Nagaoka City FNN Prime Online for 161 people in Niigata prefecture
  3. Niigata New Corona Confirmed infection of 3 new people NHK NEWS WEB for a total of 161 people in the prefecture
  4. Two New Coronavirus Infections Confirmed in Niigata Keizai Shimbun Prefecture
  5. [Últimas noticias]A person confirmed the infection in Niigata city participated in a group meeting of part-time employees in their 30s in Chuo-ku ohbsn.com
  6. See all articles in Google News