“I’ll make it. It’s Mr. Kono who will destroy it.” Appointment of Prime Minister Kan as “destroyer”, interest agreement with Mr. Aso ――Mainichi Shimbun ――Mainichi Shimbun


  1. “I’ll make it. It’s Mr. Kono who will destroy it.” The appointment of Prime Minister Kan as “destroyer”, according to Mr. Aso –Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun
  2. Prime Minister Change: Lower Future / Prime Minister Presidential Election Fix, Let’s Compete Now Mainichi Shimbun
  3. The largest faction, the Hosoda faction Concerns are intensifying the competition among the four star players Mr. Abe’s intention to hold the key: Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun
  4. See all articles in Google News