Mr. Nikai’s comments changed completely at Ishibashi’s party “If there is a mission” –Asahi Shimbun Digital


  1. Mr. Nikai’s statements changed completely at Ishibashi’s party “If there is a mission” Asahi Shimbun Digital
  2. Mr. Kishida and Ishibashi “reflect” on the great defeat The self-democratic school is like a celebration (Jiji Press) Yahoo! News
  3. Prime Minister Kan’s ministerial staff matters, the limit of “narrowness” and the “appointment of friends” MSN Entertainment
  4. Mr. Nikai lectures at Mr. Ishibashi’s “Mission Important …” party Nikkan Sports
  5. The resurgence of Mr. Kishida and Mr. Ishibashi explored by the defeated general Sankei News
  6. See all articles in Google News