What everyone should know about the docomo account problem: ITmedia


  1. What everyone should know about docomo ITmedia account problems
  2. Damaged by 6 services like Yuchogin and PayPay, Docomo (Sankei Shimbun) Yahoo! account fraud News
  3. Unauthorized withdrawal of deposit from Yucho Bank account even with “PayPay” (September 15, 2020) ANNnewsCH
  4. [Retiro fraudulento de la cuenta DoCoMo]After the fraudulent withdrawal problem was discovered, 54.1% did not confirm the balance PR TIMES
  5. Prioritizing Convenience Over Security The 11 Lines of Harm “Two-Step Authentication” Not Implemented Lessons Learned from Seven Pay (Sankei Shimbun) Yahoo! News
  6. See all articles in Google News