Hokkaido Air System drops passengers who refuse to wear masks (HTB Hokkaido Television Broadcasting) –Yahoo! News –Yahoo! News


  1. Hokkaido Air System drops passengers who refuse to wear masks (HTB Hokkaido Television Broadcasting) – Yahoo! News Yahoo! News
  2. Passengers who refused to wear the mask even on domestic flights in Hokkaido “I have an illness” livedoor
  3. Passengers who refuse to wear HAC MSN Entertainment masks due to a security obstruction must leave in Okujiri, Hokkaido before take off
  4. HAC also fires passengers who refuse to mask | NHK Hokkaido News nhk.or.jp
  5. Passengers who refused to wear the mask even on domestic flights in Hokkaido “have illness” [新型コロナウイルス] Asahi Shimbun digital edition
  6. See all articles in Google News