Tomitaro Zentake died in the style of Okura Master of Kyogen new crown infection-Sankei News


  1. Tomitaro Zentake died in the style of Okura Master of Kyogen new crown infection Sankei News
  2. Mr. Tomitaro Zentake, Kyogen master Okura style, died in the new 40-year-old crown (Sponichianex) Yahoo! News
  3. Tomitaro Zentake, a Kyogen master of the National Human Treasure family, died at age 40 due to sepsis associated with the crown
  4. Kyogen master Tomitaro Zentake died of infection
  5. Kyogen teacher Tomitaro Zentake dies of crown infection at age 40 (Asahi Shimbun Digital) Yahoo! News
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