Kim Masaon and Trump are called “Your Highness” American reporter also “underestimates” the inner curtain book Corona –Sankei News


  1. Mr. Kim Masaon and Mr. Trump are called “Your Highness” American reporter also “underestimates” the inner curtain book Corona Sankei News
  2. Disrespectful comments from President Trump Corona (September 10, 2020) Tele East NEWS
  3. President Trump initially underestimates the new Crown that he himself confesses (Asahi Shimbun Digital) Yahoo! News
  4. New Crown: Mr. Kim Masaon Commends the President of the United States in Letter Mr. Woodward New Job Nihon Keizai Shimbun
  5. Trump “intentionally underestimated” the threat from Corona (September 10, 2020) ANNnewsCH
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