A passenger who was fired from the peach plane because he refused to wear a mask said: “There is a troublesome person.” (Sponichi Annex)


  1. Sponichi Annex Sponichi Annex, a passenger who was fired from the peach plane because he refused to wear a mask, said: “There is a troublesome person.”
  2. Passengers shout to rejection of the mask “Peach Plane” Temporarily lands and leaves FNN Prime Online
  3. Shiraku Tachikawa mentions a man who was abandoned due to a rejection of the livedoor “Problematic Person” mask
  4. Considering Peach and Damage Claim with FlyTeam Trouble Tour Mask
  5. “Intimidate by refusing to wear masks” Temporary landing The opinions of airlines, etc. they are NHK NEWS WEB
  6. See all articles in Google News