18 new fighters in the Grand Sumo Tournament / Tamanoi hall are infected with the new crown The fall venue, including the master, will be closed (Daily Sports) – Yahoo! News


  1. 18 new wrestlers are infected with the new crown in the sumo / Tamanoi wrestling hall. Fall venue including teacher is closed (Daily Sports) Yahoo! News
  2. 18 new people in the Tamanoi room of the NHK NEWS WEB Grand Sumo Tournament infected with a new crown group
  3. Several new swordsmen are corona infected for 5 days in the same room as swordsmen with positive confirmation. Sponichi Annex
  4. [Gran Sumo]New members of the association are infected with corona Shibatayama Public Relations Manager “I’ll tell you when the results are correct” auone.jp
  5. Are several members of the Japan Sumo Association positive? On day 5, the infection was found. Belonging to the same room as the fighter (Mainichi Shimbun) Yahoo! News
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