Docomo account, new registration suspended in all banks The amount of damage is 10 million yen –ITmedia


  1. Docomo account, new registration suspended in all banks The amount of damage is 10 million yen ITmedia
  2. 18 banks suspended the fraudulent withdrawal of other people’s deposits due to improper use of the “docomo account” (September 9, 2020) Tele East NEWS
  3. Unauthorized withdrawal from docomo account, SBI chooses insurance on smartphone, Manex Securities provides inheritance tax simulator, etc. ── Fintech News Coin Desk Japan from 1/9 to 9/10
  4. Unauthorized withdrawal from “Docomo account” 35 banks suspended cooperation (September 9, 2020) ANNnewsCH
  5. Yucho Bank also suspends docomo account registration Suspension of most affiliated banks (Asahi Shimbun Digital) Yahoo! News
  6. See all articles in Google News