Mr. Kishida, who was cut “so as not to be the face of the elections”, Mr. Kan, who can “win” [安倍首相辞任へ][自民党総裁選2020] -Asahi Shimbun Digital


  1. Mr. Kishida, who was cut “so as not to be the face of the elections”, Mr. Kan, who can “win” [安倍首相辞任へ][自民党総裁選2020] Asahi Shimbun Digital
  2. Mr. Abe and Mr. Aso’s heart away from Mr. Kishida Have a definitive dinner with Mr. Koga? Sankei News
  3. President Masakishi Kishida announces his candidacy for the race
  4. “I will not be the face of the elections.” “I think”. Kishida MSN Entertainment
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