Saki Fukuda also reports that she left Oscar-Yahoo! News-Yahoo! News


  1. Saki Fukuda also reports that she left Oscar-Yahoo! News Yahoo! News
  2. Can’t Ayame Goriki marry Yusaku Maesawa even after leaving the Oscar? Is it because of livedoor shared ownership?
  3. Atsushi Shibuki also leaves the Oscar “I will return to my original intention as when I left Takarazuka” Ayame Goiki, Saki Fukuda also left the company the same day
  4. Former Oscar affiliate Pekopa reports on Ayame Goiki’s departure that “everyone’s gone” (Entertainment OVO) Yahoo! News
  5. Ayame Goriki, who left Oscar Enmanu “A smile for all” Nikkan Sports
  6. See all articles in Google News