Messi’s retirement issue The league organization is supported by the raft side, the contract can be canceled without paying a fine of 87.5 billion yen-Sponichi Annex Sponichi Annex


  1. Messi’s retirement issue The league structure is supported by the raft side and the contract cannot be canceled without paying a penalty of 87.5 billion yen Sponichi Annex
  2. “Barça is surprised” Messi demands to leave the group rejects the PCR test! They will not participate in the training sessions to start on the 31st “Now it’s like a war” (SOCCER DIGEST Web) Yahoo! News
  3. “Messi, retirement payment is required to cancel the contract.” La Liga officially sees the soccer channel
  4. Messi refused to participate in the Barça team’s training sessions on the 31st, angered by the response from the club
  5. Messi will practice “not participating” in the new raft system Local news that announced the “rejection” of the PCR test the day before the start (Football ZONE web) Yahoo! News
  6. See all articles in Google News