Kill a pastry chef in a popular bakery or a man who owns another shop jumps and kills himself (Yomiuri Shimbun Online) -Yahoo! News


  1. Kill a pastry chef in a popular bakery or a man who owns another store jumps and kills himself (Yomiuri Shimbun Online) Yahoo! News
  2. She was a woman caught in a bloody death in the bedroom (August 30, 2020) ANNnewsCH
  3. A woman died of blood in an apartment, her brother reported livedoor “cold”
  4. Woman dies in Nakano-ku, Tokyo, suicide after the death of a former colleague (TBS (JNN) system) Yahoo! News
  5. Will you commit suicide after killing your ex? (August 30, 2020) TV Tokyo NEWS
  6. See all articles in Google News