Nogizaka46 x Tokyo 03 “Nogizaka Monthly Theater” Control Movie Begins, Screenplay is Okura (Commented) -Natalie


  1. The Nogizaka46 × Tokyo 03 “Nogizaka Monthly Theater” control movie begins, and the script is Okura (with comments) Natalie
  2. Nogizaka46, Tokyo 03 and the comedy challenge “Cute in!” Beginning of “Ultimate Royal Performance” “Nogizaka Monthly Theater” (kick off!) Yahoo!
  3. Nogizaka / Asuka Saito Surprisingly Private “I usually live in a bathroom
  4. Okura directed and scripted Natalie, a Tokyo 03 and Nogizaka 46 comedy video drawn by Nogisou every day
  5. Nogizaka46 Challenge comedy with Tokyo 03 Located in the shared house “Nogi-so” TOKYO POP LINE
  6. See all articles in Google News