“ The prime minister, the custom of destroying his body at an important time, ” Ritsuken Ishigaki-Mainichi Shimbun-Mainichi Shimbun’s critical tweet


  1. “ The prime minister, the habit of breaking the body at an important moment, ” critical tweet from Ritsuken Ishigaki-Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun
  2. Prime Minister Abe is “a person who has a habit of destroying his body at an important moment without the ability to manage the crisis.”
  3. The prime minister says “I have a habit of breaking my body when it matters” in Noriko Ishigaki’s publication on fire.
  4. Prime Minister Abe says: “Person who does not have the capacity to handle the crisis, who has a habit of destroying his body at an important moment,” said Noriko Ishigaki, of the Democratic Democratic Party of the Constitution, and Mr. Edano ” sorry “for pointing out Nifty News
  5. Apologize to Constitutional Representative Ishigaki and Apologize to Prime Minister Abe for “intractable illness” “BadFeed Japan” Yahoo! News
  6. See all articles in Google News