Shinsuke Kasai Ana is discharged after an interval of four and a half months “After all, the taste of my house is the best” (sports news) -Yahoo! News


  1. Shinsuke Kasai Ana was released from the hospital for the first time in four and a half months “After all, my house tastes better” (sports news) Yahoo! News
  2. Ana Shinsuke Kasai is released from the hospital, fighting malignant lymphoma [新型コロナウイルス] Asahi Shimbun Digital
  3. Kasai Anna leaves the hospital on the 30th “I have the courage to live” in response to Tsuyoshi Nagabuchi’s surprise visit: Iza! iza
  4. Kasai Anna leaves the hospital on the 30th “I have the courage to live” in response to the surprise visit by Takeshi Nagabuchi (Sankei Sports) Yahoo! News
  5. Announced the discharge of Kasai Ana for malignant lymphoma “It arrived in the shortest possible time”
  6. See all articles in Google News