How do you see the guide “0.5 or less”? Consult an expert (05/20/14) -ANNnewsCH


  1. How do you see the guide “0.5 or less”? Ask an Expert (05/20/14) ANNnewsCH
  2. Criteria for canceling an emergency declaration Newly infected people are “0.5 or less per 100,000” of live door
  3. Expert meeting to cancel “emergency” TV Tokyo NEWS
  4. Shows criteria for canceling “approximately 0.5 people per 100,000 people” (TV Asahi (ANN)) Yahoo! News
  5. Declaration of emergency situation, the standard for cancellation is “level before expansion” 0.5 people per 100,000 people – Expert Meeting Jiji Press News
  6. See all articles in Google News