Hospitalized patients who were “negative” during four consecutive PCR tests, but then “repositories” -Yomiuri Shimbun


  1. 4 consecutive “negative” PCR tests … then “re-positive” hospitalized patients Yomiuri Shimbun
  2. Yamanashi Prefecture does not reveal the gender and age of the repositories, but also refuses to identify or downplay the problem (Mainichi Shimbun) Yahoo! News
  3. Yamanashi Prefecture rejects identification and slander as a problem without disclosing the gender and age of the repository patient
  4. Yamanashi Prefecture Rejects Identification and Slander Without Revealing Gender and Age of Positive Patients (May 14, 2020) | BIGLOBE News BIGLOBE News
  5. Yamanashi Prefecture does not reveal gender and age of repositories, but also refuses to identify or downplay the problem-Mainichi Newspaper Mainichi Newspaper
  6. See all articles in Google News