Sumo wrestler Katsutake died at age 28 after being infected with the new crown. [新型コロナウイルス] -Asahi Shimbun Digital


  1. Sumo wrestler Katsutake died at age 28 after being infected with the new crown. [新型コロナウイルス] Asahi Shimbun Digital
  2. Sumo wrestler, third stage Katsushi died in Corona, 28 years old … I couldn’t find a destination and the symptoms got worse (Yomiuri Shimbun Online) Yahoo! News
  3. Katsutakeshi (28) in Takadagawa’s room died Infected with a new crown (05/20/13) ANNnewsCH
  4. Death of Funeral wrestlers and undecided farewell ceremony
  5. 28-year-old fighter in Takadagawa’s room died at the living door due to multiple organ failure due to a new type of pneumonia
  6. See all articles in Google News