Extension of the retirement age of the prosecution, intention to pass within the week LDP difficult to separate bill ‘(Kyodo News) -Yahoo! News


  1. Processing processing extension, intention to pass within the LDP week “Hard to separate bills” (Kyodo News) Yahoo! News
  2. Expansion of the prosecution and secretariat of the Ministry of Defense to the retirement age of 65 years for national officials BLOGOS
  3. Extension of the prosecutor’s retirement age, intention to approve within the LDP week “Difficult to separate the bills” | Kyodo Newsletter kiji.is
  4. Prof. Yoichi Takahashi “I want to know if I have seen the bill” Chikuri (Daily Sports) Yahoo! News
  5. Prosecution extension of processing, intention to pass within the LDP week “Hard to separate the bills” Chunichi Shimbun
  6. See all articles in Google News