Strict beds in Tokyo and Ishikawa 14,000 beds secured in all prefectures Less than half of Prime Minister’s explanation announced by Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare-Mainichi Shimbun-Mainichi Shimbun


  1. Strict beds in Tokyo and Ishikawa 14,000 beds secured in all prefectures Less than half of Prime Minister’s explanation announced by Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare-Mainichi Shimbun
  2. In Tokyo and Ishikawa, the pressure in the hospital has reached a usage rate of 80% or more | Kyodo News
  3. In Tokyo and Ishikawa, the utilization rate of tightness in hospital bed has reached 80% or more
  4. 80% of bed stiffness is full of inpatients in Tokyo and Ishikawa Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Sankei News
  5. In Tokyo, Ishikawa affected bed use rate is 80% or more: Society (TOKYO Web) Tokyo Shimbun
  6. See all articles in Google News