Former Bet Mahjong prosecutor Kurokawa fined 200,000 yen. Tokyo Summary Court; no formal trial has been held: Tokyo Shimbun TOKYO Web


Former Attorney General Hiromu Kurokawa of the Tokyo Superior Prosecutor's Office

Former Attorney General Hiromu Kurokawa of the Tokyo Superior Prosecutor’s Office

The Tokyo Summary Court issued a summary order fining 200,000 yen to Hiromu Kurokawa, a former Tokyo Senior Prosecutor (64), who was briefly charged with gambling charges for gambling mahjong with known journalists during his tenure. 25th date. The summary court could hold a formal trial, but a written review alone led to a conclusion.

The Tokyo District Prosecutor’s Office, which received criminal charges from citizen groups, decided not to prosecute (deferral of prosecution) in July last year, but in December, the Tokyo Prosecutor’s Office 6 said: “I am in charge of prosecutor and I refrain from illegal acts. However, I was in a position to dissuade him. ” The special investigation department re-investigated and turned around on the 18th of this month and filed a brief indictment.

According to the complaint, Kurokawa converted 1000 points to 100 yen four times with two Sankei Shimbun reporters and Asahi Shimbun employees from April to May last year under the state of emergency due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection. made a mahjong bet at the rate of “pin point”.

When Mr. Kurokawa resigned in May last year, he explained in public, except that he commented in writing that “my actions under the state of emergency are lacking in tension, too careless and regrettable.”

Takakage Fujita (72), a 72-year-old representative of the citizen group “Association for the prosecution and control of the administrative power of Kurokawa”, told the public that he had violated the law in the position of prosecutor number 2. I have the responsibility to explain . The court should have held a formal trial and revealed the truth in a public court. “(Keiichi Ozawa, Chichi Miyake)
